Roc*Parties 020 4531 3661

London Eye

Visitors to London

Whether you are visiting from regional England or the other side of the world, you need a local guide who can ensure you make the most of your time here.

We live in London, we love London, and we have all the contacts to give you a really good time in London.

It just takes one call...

All you need to do is contact us and we will start things moving.

Drink and party lights

We'll need to know when you are visiting, how many of you there may be, and what you like and want to do. Also give us an idea of your core budget. Even if money is no object, London has the ability to devour any cash you throw at it! However, with a little inside knowledge there is also great value to be had.

Whether spending £250 or £250,000 you'll still want the maximum impact and the best, lasting memories that your ambitions desire.

Lay back in Lagos / Chill in Chile!

There is no stress in organizing a trip to London - be it for a short personal stay for business or a sports match, or managing a major event with many guests - when you leave it to the professionals. Wherever you are in the world: relax and let us get on with the job. Knowing your preferences and needs, we'll make all of the bookings for you and update you with progress.

You can be chilling - or working hard - in Nigeria, Brazil, India, Dubai or Abu Dhabi, confident that your London visit is in the safest hands. From your arrival when we meet you at Heathrow, through to your departure as we drop you off again, we will fill your stay with the luxury, lifetime experience you wanted.